Friday, February 11, 2011


Hey guys! Well first post and I’m going to begin with the basics..

So lately, the word “style” has been thrown around a lot. What is my style, your style, and what even defines what a style is?

According to, style is referred to as “a particular kind, sort, or type, as with reference to form, appearance, or character: the baroque style.”

According to my Business of Fashion teacher, a style is “a characteristic or distinctive appearance of a garment.”

And well according to me, a style is really just a way to express yourself through one of the most popular ways, what you wear. It can also refer to how you talk, present yourself, and what you are interested in and passionate about.

Now, to the main point of all this…what is my style? That’s why I made this blog in the first place right? To showcase it, or at least partly.

My style to be honest is hard to define, even for me!

My best friend defines my style as if you took a blank white canvas and splattered paint all over it. I’m a mixture of a lot of things. So many things inspire me, I can’t help it! And you know what, I love it all.

I hope through this blog you guys will begin to see what I’m passionate about, and what really defines my style and personality. 

1 comment:

  1. I love my little fashionista! Can't wait for more posts :]
